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These 10 foods high in probiotics can help stomach issues

Promote gut health with these delicious foods

As more and more research begins to surface about the importance of a healthy gut microbiome, there is one type of food that can vastly affect this in a positive way. One of the best ways to do so is to improve digestion through diet.

If you’re looking for one of the most effective ways to improve your digestion while simultaneously improving nearly every other aspect of your health—from the appearance of your skin to your anxiety levels, ability to sleep, and strength of your immune system—you can’t go wrong by delving into the world of probiotics. Probiotics are functional microorganisms, such as beneficial bacteria and fungi, that confer various health benefits to your body by supporting the helpful microbes residing in your gut.

Probiotics can be ingested in the form of supplements, but an even better way to obtain them is by consuming foods that naturally contain probiotics. Fermented foods, such as yogurt and sauerkraut, are high in probiotics. Foods high in probiotics contain the beneficial strains of healthy bacteria that can improve gut health and immune function, and reduce inflammation, thus improving your overall gut microbiome. Next time you’re making your grocery run, make sure to grab these probiotic-rich foods below to add to your diet that may be the easiest “big” thing you can do to improve your health.

A bowl of yogurt with strawberry slices and blueberries with a strawberry beside it.


Yogurt may be one of the more approachable fermented foods and a favorite breakfast, lunch, or smoothie add-in for many guys. When topped with healthy cereal, nuts, seeds, or fruit, yogurt can be a filling, well-rounded meal or snack. Although not every type of yogurt on the shelves contains active or live cultures, there are many probiotic-rich yogurts, thanks to the fermenting process where good bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species turn milk into yogurt. Yogurt and dairy foods are also good sources of protein, calcium, as well as tryptophan and melatonin, which can help you fall asleep at night. When selecting yogurt, look for organic dairy options to avoid hormones and chemicals, and avoid ones with added sugars.

A spoonful of kefir and two glasses of kefir on a table.
Halil ibrahim mescioglu/Shutterstock


Kefir is creamy, fermented milk with a slight effervescence. It is made by adding kefir “grains,” which are actually cultures of lactic acid bacteria and yeast rather than cereal grains, to cow or goat milk. Kefir tends to be well tolerated by those with lactose intolerance and may even improve your ability to digest lactose. This is likely due to the fact that kefir contains natural digestive enzymes, such as lactase (which helps break down lactose), lipase, and protease, as the fermentation process produces these enzymes. Kefir has been shown to stimulate the immune system and help populate the gut with healthy microbes. It also has antimicrobial properties that allow it to inhibit the growth of pathogens by producing certain acids and alcohols and competing for nutrients.


We may be most familiar with miso soup, but miso soup is actually a soup made with miso. Miso is a Japanese paste with a somewhat salty, umami, nutty flavor. It is made by fermenting soybeans with koji, a type of fungus, and salt. It comes in different colors and is used as a seasoning. The fermentation process used to make miso not only produces gut-healthy probiotics, but also digestive enzymes like lactase, lipase, amylase, and protease.

Homemade kombucha fermented.


Kombucha is a fermented tea made by fermenting black or green tea with bacteria and yeast. It has a bit of an effervescent bubbliness to it, which is due to the gasses produced as the bacteria ferment the sugars added to the tea. There is also a trace of alcohol produced as a byproduct. Particularly when made with green tea, kombucha can provide many health benefits due to the antioxidants found in green tea. For example, it may help regulate blood sugar, reduce the risk of certain cancers, decrease inflammation, and increase metabolic rate.

La Brea Bakery Sourdough Bread
La Brea Bakery

Sourdough Bread

Making your own sourdough bread became a hot trend in 2020, as home bakers started experimenting with their own fermentation processes. Unlike most other types of bread, sourdough relies on a fermented starter made from lactic acid bacteria and yeast. This creates cultures that impact the characteristic sour flavor, along with healthy probiotic bacteria. Sourdough bread is also rich in complex carbohydrates.

A spoon dipped into a cup of sauerkraut with berries and bay leaves.


Sauerkraut is a shredded, preserved, and salted cabbage slaw that has been shown to improve GI symptoms and support the gut microbiome. It is a traditional food that has been enjoyed in many European countries for years, often as a side dish, condiment, or topping. Sauerkraut has a tangy, salty, sour taste and is sometimes seasoned with fennel seeds, carrots, or other vegetables, cumin, celery seed, or other spices. In addition to gut-healthy probiotics, sauerkraut is rich in vitamins C, B, and K, along with the essential minerals iron and manganese. Skip the pasteurized options though; the live probiotics are only present in the raw and unpasteurized form.


Similar to sauerkraut, kimchi is a brined, salted, fermented, spicy cabbage slaw but it is usually combined with other vegetables and has a spicy and complex flavor profile, with ingredients like chili, ginger, scallion, and garlic. Kimchi is rich in Lactobacillus kimchii, a probiotic bacteria that have been shown to help reduce inflammation and improve digestion. It also provides vitamins K and B and iron, which are necessary to transport oxygen throughout the body.



Natto is a sticky, fermented soybean product that originates in Japan, and has a funky smell and taste. While it might be a bit of an acquired taste, natto can be seen as a nutrient-dense superfood. Natto is very high in vitamin K2, which is difficult to find in most foods, and it contains a probiotic bacterial strain called Bacillus subtilis. Because natto is made from soy, it also provides protein, fiber, and phytonutrients.


Regular buttermilk in the dairy section of your grocery store probably does not contain probiotics. That is a cultured product. Rather, traditional buttermilk, often called “grandma’s probiotic” is a drink that is popular in Nepal, India, and Pakistan, though you may be able to find it here. It is the liquid that remains after making butter, and it is packed with probiotics, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B12, an essential nutrient for energy generation and nerve conductivity.

Tempeh slices with leaves on a table.


Tempeh is a fermented soy product with a slightly nutty, umami taste. It has more of a toothsome bite than tofu and is slightly higher in vitamin and mineral content. The fermenting process increases the bioavailability of some of the nutrients in the soybeans and reduces the anti-nutritive effects of the phytic acid found in legumes, which are thought to reduce the absorption of nutrients such as iron. There is evidence to suggest it has anti-inflammatory and gut-supporting properties, and as it is made from soy, it may support prostate health. It can be enjoyed like any meat or tofu, by seasoning it and then grilling, sautéing, baking, or frying it.

Pickles and Pickled Vegetables

Just as the fermentation process to make sauerkraut essentially makes the product pickled cabbage, pickling or fermenting any vegetable can create probiotics in the food. Whether enjoying classic pickled cucumbers, or pickled beets, pickled asparagus, pickled green beans, pickled carrots, pickled cauliflower, or anything in between, pickled vegetables can be a good source of probiotics. The key is to be sure the pickled product is unpasteurized, as pasteurization kills the beneficial bacteria.

Something for Everyone

Simply by adding in some fermented whole foods, you can drastically improve your overall well-being. Whether you’re looking for something vegan, something spicy, something creamy, something starchy, or something in between, these are the best around.

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Amber Sayer
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Amber Sayer is a fitness, nutrition, and wellness writer and editor, and was previously a Fitness Editor at Byrdie. She…
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There are constantly new wellness trends to try on a seemingly weekly basis. Some are better for you than others. One of the more popular recent trends starts with your gut. Your gut houses a broad range of bacteria and fungi that help digest and absorb nutrients in the food you eat. These bacteria and fungi are also responsible for maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier, producing vitamins, reducing inflammation in the body, fending off pathogenic microorganisms, and signaling the immune system to produce more white blood cells. These resident microorganisms together form what is known as the gut microbiome -- a complex ecosystem that is susceptible to disruption and imbalance by things like antibiotics, a chronically poor diet, stress, and medications.
While certain habits can negatively affect the gut microbiome, it can also be improved and made to flourish with supportive behaviors and foods. Though probiotics get most of the attention and credit for being the go-to salve for the gut, prebiotics are arguably just as important. Prebiotics are compounds comprised of oligosaccharides, inulin, lactulose, and glycan, which are dietary fibers (carbohydrates) that are indigestible for humans but are the preferred source of fuel and nutrients for our good bacteria in the gut. In fact, prebiotics selectively feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut, rather than any harmful pathogens.

A good visual is to picture the gut microbiome as a garden. Probiotics can be equated to seeds or seedlings and the healthy bacteria are the plants. Prebiotics, on the other hand, can be pictured as fertilizer, offering helpful bacterial plants nutrients to support their growth. In this way, the prebiotics feed or fuel probiotics and the other beneficial microorganisms already inhabiting our gut.
Prebiotics are found as fermented fiber in many fruits and vegetables, as well as some seeds and grains. Adding them to your diet can help fortify the good bacteria in your gut, improve bowel regularity, and support healthy digestion. Here are some of the best prebiotic foods to stock up on next time you go grocery shopping.

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